
Seoul Prepares to Host World Youth Day 2027

Seoul, September 26, 2024: At a press conference held on September 24 at the Holy See Press Office, Archbishop Soon-Taick Chung of Seoul and Bishop Kyung Sang Lee, the World Youth Day (WYD) coordinator, announced that Seoul will host the 2027 World Youth Day, marking a significant international gathering of youth. The theme for this 41st edition of the event, inspired by John’s Gospel, is “Take courage! I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33), reflecting a message of hope and resilience.

During the press conference, prominent figures including Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life; Archbishop Chung Soon-taick of Seoul and Bishop Lee shared insights into the preparations and expectations for the event. Bishop Lee expressed gratitude to Pope Francis for selecting a theme that resonates deeply with the unique circumstances facing the Catholic Church in Korea, particularly amidst the challenges confronting today’s youth. He emphasized that Korea's diverse religious landscape will provide a rich experience for participants from around the globe.

Bishop Lee also introduced the official logo for WYD 2027, featuring a cross in red and blue colours symbolizing Christ’s victory over the world. The design elements reflect traditional Korean art, with one side reaching upwards towards Heaven and the other pointing downwards towards Earth, illustrating the fulfillment of God’s will through unity.

Archbishop Chung highlighted the historical significance of the Korean Catholic Church, which has thrived independently since its inception and anticipates that the event will foster a passionate zeal for faith among the youth. Cardinal Farrell noted the potential spiritual benefits for the Church in Korea and globally, praising Asia’s cultural openness, which can enrich the experience of young pilgrims.

WYD 2027 promises to be a landmark event, fostering dialogue, unity and renewal among young people across the world as they gather in Seoul to celebrate their faith.

Courtesy: Vatican News