
Religious Leaders Unite to Highlight the Importance of Interfaith Understanding

Udupi, September 28, 2024: An interfaith gathering at St. Anne’s Church in Thottam on September 27 emphasized the vital role of understanding among different religions, drawing approximately 230 participants from various faiths. The "Sneha Sammilana" organized by the Malpe unit of Jamaat E-Islami Hind aimed to foster harmony, mutual respect, love and trust among diverse communities.

Rev. Fr. Denis D’Sa, parish priest of St. Anne’s Church, highlighted the necessity of interfaith dialogue. "By uniting, we can overcome the many challenges we face today," he remarked, stressing the importance of learning about different religions. He pointed out that all faiths promote fundamental values such as humanity, compassion, and forgiveness and aim for peaceful coexistence. 

Ramesh Tingalaya, President of the Thottam Samanvaya Sauhardha Samiti, represented Hinduism at the program. He acknowledged the impact of social media in fostering mistrust among different faiths and advocated for more interfaith events to bridge the gap between communities. Janab Isaac Puttur, President of Jamaat E-Islami Hind, Mangalore, presided over the event. He echoed the universal message found in all religious scriptures: to treat others with kindness and compassion.

Dignitaries at the gathering included Leslie Arouza, Secretary of Samanvaya Sauhardha Samiti, Rev. Edwin Soans, Pastor of Malpe CSI Church, and Ganesh Nergi, President of Ambedkar Yuva Sene. The event was compered by G. Shuaib, who reinforced the significance of peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding that is essential in the world today.

By Catholic Connect Reporter