- 19 March, 2025
March 19, 2025: Joseph in Hebrew means “may God increase, may God give growth.” Indeed, this very name reveals an essential aspect of Joseph of Nazareth’s personality—he was a man full of faith in God and His providence. Joseph lived up to his name by doing everything possible without uttering a word.
Joseph’s every action, as recounted in the Gospel, was dictated by the certainty that God “gives growth,” “increases,” and “adds”—that is, that God provides for the continuation of His plan of salvation. (Pope Francis)
The Person of St. Joseph
1. Faithful & Obedient – He trusted God's plan, even when it was difficult, demonstrating unwavering faith and obedience.
2. Just & Righteous – He lived a life of integrity, upholding justice and righteousness, as seen in his care for Mary and Jesus.
3. Silent & Humble – His actions spoke louder than words, reflecting his humility and quiet strength.
4. Protector & Provider – He provided for his family, embodying the role of a loving and supportive father.
5. Patient & Courageous – He faced challenges with patience and courage, demonstrating resilience and strength of character.
6. Chaste & Pure – His chastity and purity were exemplary, reflecting the holiness of his life.
7. Devoted to Mary – His love and devotion to Mary were a source of strength for the Holy Family.
8. Worker & Labourer – As a carpenter, he symbolized the dignity of work and the importance of honest labor.
His Role in the Holy Family
1. Father Figure – St. Joseph guided and nurtured Jesus in His early years.
2. Husband of Mary – A model of marital love and fidelity.
3. Guardian of the Holy Family – He protected Mary and Jesus from danger, showing unwavering commitment to their well-being.
4. Patron of the Church – As the patron saint of the universal Church, he is a symbol of protection and guidance.
5. Example of Family Values – His life exemplifies the importance of family, love, and unity.
6. Patron of Fathers – Inspiring fathers to be loving, supportive, and present in their children's lives.
St. Joseph Inspires Us To…
1. Listen to God's Voice – His life teaches us to trust in God’s plan, even when it is unclear. Entrust every intention to his intercession.
2. Embrace Your Role – We can learn from St. Joseph to embrace our roles and responsibilities, both in our families and in the Church. Honor the fathers in your life.
3. Find Strength in Faith – His faith and trust in God inspire us to overcome challenges and find strength in our faith.
4. Be a Protector – His protective nature inspires us to safeguard the vulnerable and those in need. Dedicate every Wednesday to his chaste heart.
5. Value Family – His love for Mary and Jesus reminds us of the importance of family and the bonds of love within it. Meditate on the virtue of humility.
6. Be a Worker – His example as a carpenter reminds us of the dignity of work and the importance of contributing to the world. Offer up your work to St. Joseph the Worker.
“Each of us can discover in Joseph—the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet, and hidden presence—an intercessor, a support, and a guide in times of trouble.” (Pope Francis)
By Fr. Valerian Lobo
Jamshedpur Diocese