- 12 March, 2025
Vatican, February 12, 2025 - In a scathing letter to the bishops of the United States, Pope Francis has unequivocally condemned the Trump administration's mass deportation policy, calling it a "major crisis" that damages the dignity of migrants and refugees.
The Pope's letter, dated February 10, 2025, emphasises the importance of recognising the infinite dignity of every human being, regardless of their immigration status. Here are the ten key points from the letter:
1. Pope Francis draws parallels between the journey of the People of Israel from slavery to freedom and the modern-day phenomenon of migration, emphasising the need to reaffirm faith in a God who is always close and to recognise the infinite dignity of every human person.
2. The Pope notes that Jesus Christ, as the true Emmanuel, experienced the difficult reality of being expelled from his own land and taking refuge in a foreign society, making him a model for migrants and refugees.
3. Pope Francis emphasises that Jesus Christ's universal love educates us to recognise the dignity of every human being without exception and that this dignity surpasses all other juridical considerations.
4. The Pope expresses his concern over the Trump administration's mass deportation policy, stating that it damages the dignity of migrants and refugees and places them in a state of vulnerability and defencelessness.
5. Pope Francis acknowledges the right of a nation to defend itself but emphasises that this must be done in a way that respects the dignity and human rights of all individuals.
6. The Pope notes that an authentic rule of law is verified in the dignified treatment of all people, especially the poorest and most marginalised, and that this requires a policy that welcomes, protects, promotes, and integrates the most fragile and vulnerable.
7. Pope Francis emphasises that Christians must affirm the infinite dignity of all people to reach maturity in their identity and vocation, and that this requires promoting a love that builds a fraternity open to all.
8. The Pope warns against worrying about personal, community, or national identity in a way that introduces an ideological criterion that distorts social life and imposes the will of the strongest.
9. Pope Francis expresses his appreciation for the efforts of Catholic bishops in the United States who are working to support migrants and refugees and calls on all people of good will to work towards creating a more just and compassionate society.
10. Finally, the Pope asks Our Lady of Guadalupe to protect individuals and families affected by migration and deportation and to grant us the ability to meet again as brothers and sisters in a society that is more fraternal, inclusive, and respectful of the dignity of all.
The letter is a significant intervention in the debate over immigration policy in the United States and is likely to be seen as a major challenge to the Trump administration's hardline stance on the issue.
By Catholic Connect Reporter