
Karnataka Catholic Council Focuses on Reviving Missionary Spirit

Bangalore, September 26, 2024: The Catholic Council of Karnataka (CCK) held its Annual General Body Meeting on 25 September, with bishops from across Karnataka in attendance. The meeting was inaugurated by Archbishop Peter Machado of Bengaluru, who spoke about the Council’s efforts in addressing pastoral challenges over the past 12 years. He noted that 40-50% of the CCK’s membership consists of laypeople, highlighting their significant role in the Church’s mission.

Archbishop Machado introduced the two main topics for this year’s meeting: Evangelisation – Opportunities and Challenges and preparations for the Jubilee 2025. 

Bishop Robert Miranda of Gulbarga discussed New Evangelisation, referring to the 2012 Synod, and identified three key challenges: people drifting away from the faith, a lack of understanding of Church teachings and those who have yet to hear the Gospel.

Bishop Miranda emphasized the need for baptized Christians to be active witnesses of the Gospel, quoting Pope Francis. He urged a return to the early Church’s missionary spirit and encouraged the faithful to renew their commitment to living out their faith.

Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha of Mangalore led the session on preparations for Jubilee 2025. He explained that the Jubilee is a chance for spiritual renewal, with its theme, Spes non confundit (Hope does not disappoint), highlighting the power of forgiveness. 

Bishop Saldanha outlined the events for the Jubilee Year, which will begin on 24th December 2024 and end on 28th December 2025, featuring pilgrimages, Jubilee Masses, and social celebrations.

The Catholic Council of Karnataka continues to focus on addressing the region’s pastoral needs and encourages all members of the Church to actively participate in its mission.

By Fr. Sudeep Paul