
Jubilee Celebration of the Word of God in the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman

Goa, January 26, 2025: The Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman celebrated the Jubilee of the Word of God on January 26, 2025, at St. Thomas, the Church, Aldona, on the occasion of the Sunday dedicated to the Word of God. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Henry Falcão, Episcopal Vicar for the Central Zone.

Fr. Mariano D'Costa (Director, Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate), Fr. Tomas Lobo (Parish Priest, St. Thomas Chuch, Aldona), Fr. Mario Leitao (Parish Priest, St. Sebastian's Church, Calvim), Fr. Caitano D'Souza (Chaplain, St. Rita of Cascia Chapel, Carona), Fr. Gualberto D'Souza (Chaplain, Our Lady of Piety Chapel, Quitla), Fr. Angelo Simoes (Assistant to the Parish Priest, St. Thomas Church, Aldona) and Deacon Jason Travaso concelebrated the Eucharistic celebration.

Fr. Falcão, who also serves as the Director of the St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre in Old Goa, reflected on the theme “I hope in your Word” and reminded the faithful in his homily that God's Word is not reserved for a select few but is for everyone. “If we want to live according to the will of God," he said, "we need to live as a member of the Body of Christ.”

He also highlighted the significance of participating in the Bible course. "The Word of God is living. It has the power to give life, so it should be living in our life. Never allow the Word of God to die," he urged.

Fr. Falcão further explained that the Word of God renews and heals every person. He concluded his homily with a strong appeal for the faithful to allow the Word of God to transform their lives.

Fr. Tomas Lobo, Parish Priest of St. Thomas, the Apostle Church, Aldona, extended a warm welcome to all those present. In his address, Fr. Henry Falcão spoke on the significance of the occasion." May the Bible Course which was conducted in the deanery, help us to understand the oneness of the Old Testament in the New Testament. The Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament and Jesus is the fulfillment". Lavina Cardozo and Nelson Fernandes shared their experiences participating in the Bible Course. The event was anchored by Sandhya Fernandes, while Fr. Mariano D’Costa, Director of the Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate, expressed gratitude to all involved.

The Eucharistic celebration was followed by a brief programme that included a prayer dance, devotional songs by the parish catechists and catechism students, and a Mando performance.

The occasion also saw the felicitation of collaborators who had been involved in the Bible course organized by the Centre. A total of 134 participants from the Aldona deanery were awarded diplomas for completing the Bible course. The Rite of enthronement of the Bible was also conducted at the beginning of the Eucharistic celebration. 

During Bible Week, the Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate will focus on Hopeful Horizons—daily reflections on Bible verses, an explanation of Biblical Symbols of Hope, an online Bible Quiz, and visits to the sick by Biblical Animators. During these visits, prayer services will be conducted in families.

By Br. Malvino Alfonso OCD