
Imphal Archbishop Pleads with Pope to Pray for Peace in Manipur

Guwahati, September 26, 2024: Archbishop Linus Neli of Imphal requested Pope Francis to pray for the people of Manipur during an audience on September 21, 2024. Archbishop Neli is currently in Rome attending a formation course for newly appointed bishops organized by the Dicastery for Evangelization from September 15 to 22. 

In a message shared with the people of Manipur via social media, Archbishop Neli expressed his heartfelt prayers for his community, emphasizing the urgent need for God's intervention to restore peace in the troubled region. He conveyed to the Pope the dire situation facing many inhabitants of Manipur and requested prayers so that the people might live in harmony, embracing forgiveness and reconciliation.

“It is difficult, yet forgiveness and love for enemies are the only ways forward, as our divine Savior Christ taught us on the cross at Calvary,” Archbishop Neli stated, urging his fellow citizens to recognize their shared humanity amidst the ongoing turmoil.

For the past year, Manipur, which borders Myanmar, has been contending with the serious repercussions of this unrest. As a consequence, around 60,000 people have been displaced, with numerous families compelled to abandon their homes in search of safety. Reports suggest that thousands are still living in precarious conditions, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the area.

Archbishop Neli's request for the Pope's prayers highlights the urgent need for peace and reconciliation in Manipur. His call reflects the community's longing for stability and understanding as they strive to rebuild their lives and restore harmony amid ongoing conflict. He also encouraged the entire Catholic community to keep Manipur in their prayers during the upcoming month of the Rosary.

In a special intervention, Archbishop Neli appealed to the Holy Father to pray for and bless Myanmar amid its civil war, Bangladesh facing political instability, Manipur, which is experiencing ethnic conflict, and Northeast India undergoing unique socio-political turmoil. The Pontiff expressed deep concern regarding these serious issues and encouraged us to remain hopeful during these challenging times.

By Fr. Kampan Chinnam